Flow Settings
Rikke Søndergaard avatar
Written by Rikke Søndergaard
Updated over a week ago

Flow Settings

To open, click Flow Settings in the Bottom bar.


In Flow settings you can adjust your preferences as to how many times Profiles enter your flow, excluding tags and set a specific time zone. Here's some information about Flow Settings. They're divided between General, Ecommerce, Consent and SMS settings.


In this article


These are the general settings of your Marketing Automation flow. Here you can choose the flow's constraints in terms of which Profiles are allowed to enter and how many times, as well as the time zone that should be used for the flow.


These settings will allow you to decide how many times Profiles can enter the flow.

If a Profile enters your flow based on the Listen Node settings, and the entry limit is more than 1, the same Profile can enter the flow again before it's able to leave the flow from their first journey.

If you'd like to avoid sending too many emails or having duplicate Profiles in your flow, you may use a Check Profile node to see if they've entered your Marketing Automation flow in a period of time.

Choose between unlimited, and up to five times.

You may also choose to allow them to enter a specific number of times within a certain time frame. To do so, select the Within a time frame box and either toggle the clock icon or enter a numerical value to set the time frame.

Select the value you wish to use for your flow. APSIS One currently supports minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

The text underneath will display your settings as you change them.


About removed Profiles from a paused flow

When activating a paused flow, you get the choice of removing the Profiles from it. If you do, not only will they still be a part of the Report, but they will also be able to re-enter this Marketing Automation flow after you activate it again.

This means that, even if you limited the number of times Profiles can enter the flow, those who were removed from the flow when reactivating will be allowed in once more.


Remove Tagged Profiles

It's possible to set up a rule that will remove from the flow all Profiles that are tagged at any point in time. Regardless of where they are in the flow, or when they're tagged, if you set up this rule you may remove them from the flow.

Note that the Profiles will not be removed immediately when they are tagged, but rather when they leave a node. This means that profiles will enter the Listen node and then be removed. They will also be a part of the statistics of the Listen node.

For example, if a Profile is tagged while on a Timer node, the profile will remain in the Timer node according to its settings. If the profile is still tagged when it has completed the Timer node, it will be removed from the flow. If the Profile is not tagged anymore by the time it completes the Timer node, it will remain in the flow.

Click on the drop-down menu to select an existing tag.


To create a new tag, click Create new tag


Enter the name for the tag and click Save.


Time Zone

You may adapt a Marketing Automation flow to a specific time zone. This is particularly useful whenever creating flows that will affect Profiles who reside in other countries.

Select a time zone from the drop-down menu.


When done, click Save.



To prevent sending too many emails or SMS messages, use the Frequency option and exclude Profiles from receiving communications from this flow.


Expand the Choose Filter drop-down menu and select an option. For now, we support a filter to exclude those who have received an email or SMS message within a time period.


Choose a period of time by entering a number and choosing between days, weeks and months.



Here you can see which Data Section, Consent list and Topics are related to this Marketing Automation flow. If necessary, you may adjust which Consent list and Topics your Email and SMS nodes will send to.


The Data Section this Marketing Automation flow has been created on. The section cannot be changed.


Email Consent list & Topics

The Consent list and Topics that contain the Profiles that will enter this flow and will be receiving emails from this Marketing Automation flow. Profiles that have not provided their consent for email communications will exit the flow when reaching the Email node.


SMS Consent list & Topics

The Consent list and Topics that contain the Profiles that will enter this flow and will be receiving SMS messages from this Marketing Automation flow. Profiles that have not provided their consent for SMS communications will exit the flow when reaching the SMS node.



If you have one or more SMS nodes in your Marketing Automation flow, take a look at these settings to ensure that your flow doesn't interfere with the SMS tool activities in regards to your SMS credits. Read more about SMS credits here.


Tick the Allow negative credit balance box to continue sending SMS messages even when you're out of credits.

If you don't tick this box, Profiles will leave the flow on the SMS node when your account is out of SMS credits, because there aren't enough credits for them to proceed. Have in mind that, same as with the SMS tool, your SMS node will allow for a negative balance once. So, if you have 1 credit left and 15 Profiles reach the SMS node at once, your SMS will be sent and the balance will become negative. The next Profiles that enter the SMS node will exit the flow since your balance is already negative.

About Negative Credit Balance

When sending SMS messages with an SMS node in Marketing Automation, SMS messages are sent to the Profiles as they reach the node and your credit balance will fluctuate as Profiles move through your flow. All SMS messages and their cost are calculated according to the SMS tool's credits and pricing model.

In some cases, a Marketing Automation flow can have a large amount of Profiles coming in and reaching an SMS node, which results in a large amount of SMS messages. Since the SMS tool also requires credits to send messages, a flow that is depleting the credit balance may interrupt SMS tool activities. Another consequence can be, as you can imagine, that your account runs out of credits.

We do send a notification in the Information Centre when you're running low on credits, but this option can allow you to continue to send SMS messages and have a negative credit balance indefinitely. Of course, your negative balance will be considered at the time that you add more credits into your account.

Please reach out to your Account Owner or User before you activate a flow with an SMS node so that you choose the strategy that fits best.

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